Tough decision for PM when Leveson report released

The Prime Minister set up the judge-led public inquiry into press standards 18 months ago. Photo: PA Wire
Some MPs are not surprised by the front page of the Mail on Sunday today.
Five days before Lord Justice Leveson releases his recommendations on press regulation, the newspaper claims the Prime Minister will defy the judge if, as expected, he pushes for state regulation of the press.
It's a big issue which will come to a head on Thursday - and is likely to mean the Press Complaints Commission will no longer exist in its current form.
18 months after David Cameron set up the judge-led public inquiry into press standards, following claims reporters had hacked the mobile phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, the Prime Minister faces a tough decision.
Does he implement Leveson's recommendations even if the report pushes for state regulation?
Or, does he back away from such a heavy-handed approach and seek a lighter form of press control?
If he chooses the latter option, Mr Cameron risks undermining the very public inquiry he set up.
Lord Justice Leveson releases his recommendations on press regulation on Thursday. Credit: PA Wire
But the Prime Minister is not short on advice from senior members of his own party.
The Education Secretary, Michael Gove, has made clear he thinks state regulation would threaten the freedom of the press.
The Foreign Secretary, William Hague, said today he would always "err on the side of press freedom."
And even though he is in India this weekend, Boris Johnson said, "if you want to keep the gutters of public life clean, you need a gutter press."