BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A bullying incident at a Baltimore City high school is
now viral after being caught on video. But the victim of the bullying
is not a student–she’s a teacher.
Rochelle Ritchie has more on the disturbing video.
The incident happened two weeks ago at Digital Harbor High School. The
video posted online is being played everywhere. Now the question begs to
be asked–do teachers need protection from bullying?
For 44 seconds students inside a classroom at Digital Harbor High School
watched as a substitute teacher was hit and cursed at by two female
They flicked the teacher four times, as classmates laughed in the background–but some students see nothing funny about it.
“That’s terrible. Why would they even do that?” asked one student.
The video shocked students at Digital Harbor High School, who say bullying should never be tolerated.
“I believe it’s terrible because no one deserves to be bullied,” said one student.
“After I saw the video I thought if I saw them I would say something to
them–like that was really messed up,” another student said.
The students’ taunting is posted on YouTube. The substitute teacher who was harassed is considered a favorite for some.
“She’s really nice. I don’t know why they would do that,” Addison Butler said.
Baltimore City Schools released this statement about the bullying, saying:
“The administration has taken appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with the student code of conduct.”
Students are asked to sign the code of conduct–which talks about
bullying. The first principle says: “I will respect others and myself…”
a principle lost in the video.
Students say the best defense against bullying is not to laugh, but to stand up against it.
“Really I don’t know if I could’ve done anything but I would have
encouraged them to stop because it’s not right,” said Niverro Rodriguez.
The teacher has not pressed charges.
The school is not identifying the students in the video.
Baltimore Substitute Teacher Attacked by Students
4:28 PM